by the estrange wife of a human trafficker that supplied to the Prince-Camp Cartel
Harrington Funeral home and local Hospital are one of many of co-op teams that traffic organ for the Prince-Camp cartel. Just like the Mexican Cartel have counter Parts that branch out a variety of organized crime so does the GRENGO Cartel . The Prince-Cartel is involved in but not limited to: Trafficking Children under the umbrella of Child Protective Services in medical cottage Industry, foster Industry, organ industry and sex slave Industry , Gun smuggling with Mexican Cartel and Al queta, Organ Trafficking via Hospital and Funeral homes, real estate development using illegal labor from Mexican Cartel, Money Laundry and used car dealers as illegal transport of Guns to Mexican Cartel.
Kendrick Johnson dead Body was place in those mats after his organs were took. A rich Africa American placed a order and because the rare blood type they had to hunt a healthy African American with this blood type down and Kendrick Johnson was an African American who had it JD Yeager met with Chris Prine because the missing Organs makes the claims by the human trafficker’s wife, that Nancy Shceafer was killed by the Prince-Camp Cartel to cover up a whole big old pot of organized crime involving Atlanta FBI,GBI, CPS, Georgia Sherriffs, Georgia DA, and a whole string of others.
Sherriff Mike Yeager of Coweta Georgia should be worried. Between the Billings Muders, CPS audit, Nancy Scheafer advocates, human trafficker’s wife claims, and now this, makes the Prince family issue of 15-year-old Gevin AllenPrince killing Great grandma look like the least of their

They watch Kendrick Johnson for a while to plan a kidnaping when they saw how he “hid his shoes” instead of renting a locker they decided to place him in the mats. Because he just so happen went to a school where Chrine Prine is Sherriff and the local Funeral home and Hospital is in own organ trafficking it works out they could cover it up with out just getting rid of the body. They never dreamed the family would be so president even after GBI covered up for em and get a second autopsy from another state NOT in on it.
If this what happened which I believe is, due to who the authorities are that are involved are, I would expect this is the first time they picked the person up like this, they usually have them picked up Via CPS foe harvest or picked up as a criminal and end up killed in a prison altercation. The person who ordered this organ wanted HIS because he was drug free, athletic, did not drink and this is very rare for someone black and with this rare blood type. A one in a Billion combination, so they went for it, the best way the could . The fact he was such a good boy that never went anywhere or done anything that would make him a easy target to get the usual way they got creative but it back fired. The same reason they could n’t get em the usual way is the same reason they will get cuaght. GOOD PARENTs! WHO CARE! COME HELL HIGH WATER and take on WHO EVER!!!!!!